26 November 2006

Greetings from Tokyo

I never dreamed that I would be able to visit Tokyo. But the opportunity came when my husband's project invited him to attend a meeting in Tokyo. Glad to be able to visit this place. It has been nice so far. I am not bored despite the fact that my husband's work keeps him busy. It is because I have my work with me as well ha ha ha. But of course I also have time to move around the area. So far I have tried the subway, walked around the Roppongi area by day and night, and visited the Ueno Zoo, especially the main attraction, which is the Giant Panda. He was sleeping when we viewed him. Indeed, pandas spend the whole day sleeping, aside from eating shoots and leaves. Not eating, shooting and leaving. Ha ha this is the joke in that book Eats, Shoots, Leaves about punctuation bloopers. I have yet to read that book in its entirety.

The weather here is below 10 degrees but because of the wind factor it feels colder than that. Good thing I brought my winter stuff so I feel warm when I go out. But coming from Bangkok with a 36++ degree temperature, I have to really adjust to the cold. And take lots of vitamin C and hot drink so I do not get colds. I do not like to have sore throat, coughing and running nose. I do not like being sick so gotta take care of my health. Hmm why think of sickness during a nice day like this? Gotta count my blessings and thank God for all of them.

Have to go out later to get some postcards to send home and elsewhere!

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