20 February 2008

blog problems .. ka-blog!

Sometimes this blogpage could not be accessed directly. Even I myself could access it only through my dashboard. I wonder what is the problem? I have tried searching the help section and I saw that many others face similar problem. I am still searching how to solve this.

So anyway, last 14 Feb, after a very toxic day, it ended well. My dear and I went out for a date. Ha ha ha we joined the queue of young people at the cinema. We were planning to watch the movie 'Atonement' but it was not showing in the cineplex nearby. So we chose to watch '27 Dresses' instead. A romcom which got 3.5 stars in the papers. But some said it is a forgettable movie. Whatever. We enjoyed watching it anyway. It was a very nice, sweet and romantic movie, very appropriate for Valentine's day. So it was a day that started not so well but it ended ok!

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